This afternoon I made a long awaited journey.
I headed up into the Alborz mountains to the north of Tehran to the village of Afjeh, where Kaveh is buried.
It was an emotional journey. I'd only seen Kav's grave in pictures and to see it with my own eyes brought back all the memories of that day almost a year ago when he died and I was injured.
Even though his name was written on the grave stone, it didn't seem to me like he was there. Kaveh's mother, Fakhri, insists her son's not in the ground. She says he's somewhere up in the snow-frosted mountains surrounding the graveyard.
I think she's right.
I shot some video in Afjeh and have made up a short videoblog because I don't feel like writing about it.
It's 1'34" long and is 626Kb.
Afjeh Videoblog (.wmv)
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