Sunday, April 18, 2004

Artist Al Braithwaite e-mails with a proposal.

I'll let him tell the story:

"Having heard you on the radio I thought I should get in touch. I am a young artist who knew Kaveh Golestan in Tehran when we were putting on an exhibition there in November 2002. I was deeply grief-struck by news of his death last year.

"As a release of my sadness I made a large artwork entitled 'The Death of Kaveh' while I was in Jordan at the time, full of nail and massive warm grey explosive brushstrokes, which I exhibited there (in the Orfali Gallery) hoping to sell and give half the proceeds to landmine charity MAG, which I understand you are now involved with.

"It was the centrepiece of the show and commanded much local press attention, but remained unsold. So now the piece is back in England, residing in a Clapham studio, and gearing up for our London show in June."

The details are the painting are:
Title: Death of Kaveh
Date: May 2003
Medium: Mixed Media
Size: c. 6ft by 3ft
Exhibited in May 2003 at Orfali Gallery, Amman, Jordan
price: £2000 (50% to MAG)

Here's what it looks like.

I really hope someone out there takes a shine to the piece -- not least because it means £1000 for MAG.

Drop me an e-mail if you're interested in finding out more and I'll forward you Al Braithwaite's contact details or visit Visions of Islam for more information about his work.


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