Friday, August 13, 2004

Working until 4 in the morning may be bad -- but things could be worse.

I could be working for these guys.


  1. Anonymous7:13 PM

    it may not be as noble or highminded as the work you're doing in athens, but rest assured these guys are working just as hard as you are. snobbery will get you nowhere.

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Hi Stuart: is the BBC embargoing its web coverage (writeups, photos) of the opening ceremony to non-UK viewers because it doesn't want to spoil things for poor Americans on tape delay, or is it under embargo because of the IOC?

    Weird, isn't it, that the event which sells itself most on bringing people together from different countries actually keeps them divided in the way it segregates and limits media coverage. The whole 'keep broadcasters to their own country' model surely can't last, can it?

  3. Anonymous9:47 PM

    What, don't want to work with Dubya's cousin Bill? I call it standards, not snobbery.

  4. Anonymous9:53 PM

    "non-UK viewers...poor Americans..."

    Poor Americans? It depends on how you look at them.

    Poor U.
