I'm behind the curve as usual but for once I have an excuse; I was kind of busy on Friday when the sublime Jon Stewart appeared on CNN's Crossfire and made utter asses of Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala (and by the way when oh when is the Daily Show going to be picked up by a British channel?)
Stewart unzipped his fly and unleashed a torrential golden shower over the entire self-inflated cable punditocracy. His performance could turn out to be a seminal moment in the history of Talk TV.
Watch the whole exchange here.
What's more, Cory Bergman of Lost Remote notes that close to twice as many (probably more than twice as many by the time I write this) viewers have downloaded Jon Stewart's performance from the internet as watched the original show on CNN.
Who needs cable when you've got file sharing?
Stuart-- I watched the Jon Stuart "Crossfire" segment on the internet and I loved every second of it. Tucker Carlson was even more insufferable than usual and Paul Bugala was dumbfounded. I usually try to watch the "Daily Show" most nights and it is repeated here several times during the following day. It is a bright spot in my day and Jon is just super. Didn't you love it when Jon told Tucker " You are as much of a dick on your show as you are on others"
JEH in Georgia
Thanks for posting the link to that Stewart interview. He went right to core of the problem. Americans need to see real debate, the mainstream media doesn't provide it.
BTW - A year or so ago I was out with a BBC TV Producer who was passing through Saigon. She told me that during her BBC training she was shown a CNN news report to dissect and pull 'the news' from the piece. There was none.
Just wondered if the BBC trained you at all and if so, did they hold any other media outlets up as examples of bollocks broadcasters?
I'm a Brit living in Northern Virginia, and I think The Daily Show would work in Britain. My only worry would be that British viewers would not grasp just how well Stewart and his gang skewer the American media. It might just appear to be pisstaking oddities a la Clive James, when, as the Crossfire incident showed, it's a complete disgust with the media that fuels the show.
This is what Carlson, Begala and their ilk fail to grasp. They think Stewart is satirising politicians, when in fact he's largely satirising them.
Best line:
Carlson: You're not being funny.
Stewart: I'm not going to be your monkey.
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