I'm surprised the blogosphere isn't chattering more about the forthcoming Michael Jackson trial.
The latest celebrity media circus....sorry, Trial of the Century.......is due to start on Monday. The initial stage, jury selection, alone will take an estimated 6-8 weeks. Thousands of potential jurors are being screened in batches of 150. They'll be whittled down to the 12 good men and true who'll let the King of Pop off.
One of the main problems facing the media is going to be how they report the more sordid and graphic details of Jackson's alleged molesting that are expected to come out during the trial.
It's going to get crazy.
Q:When does Michael Jackson go to bed?
A:When big hand reaches the little hand!
What continually amazes me about the US legal system is the notion of jury selection and the lengths that are gone to in this process. Whatever happened to being tried by a jury of your peers? Why does it have to be that you're tried by a jury of your carefully screened and defence approved peers? It should be the first twelve jurors called out, and that's it!
They'll be hand-picking the judges next.
(The Rev - login's not working!)
How childish and pathetic it is to make jokes about someone who has not been convicted of anything.
A person with less money would have been institutionalized long before now. I think the parents of these children should be charged alongside him.
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