Gill Blog remembers the courage of Terry Fox, who had the twin disabilities of being an above-knee amputee and Canadian.
Fox began his Marathon of Hope 25 years ago this week (thanks Nic).

Gill Blog remembers the courage of Terry Fox, who had the twin disabilities of being an above-knee amputee and Canadian.
Fox began his Marathon of Hope 25 years ago this week (thanks Nic).
Dear Stu,
1. Thought you didn't consider having an artificial leg a disability?
2. How dare you consider being a Canadian a disability!!!
Consider what the Canadians have done for the world...Invented the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell), we invented Baseball and Ice Hockey, we have better beer than the Americans AND we can make a livelyhood out of Royal Commissions (in other words we can talk the hind leg off a donkey without having to reach any decisions!!!).
Good Job remembering Terry though, his legacy seems to have lasted far longer than his mortal body.
Your Canuck brother, Steve
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