Weighty tomes are appearing in the in-trays of all of us working in BBC editorial.
Yep -- it's that soon-to-be bestseller The New BBC Editorial Guidelines, which form "part of our contract with our audiences," according to Stephen Whittle, BBC Controller of Editorial Policy.
The document contains some timely advice to us hacks. For example:
"Any proposal to use the most offensive language (cunt, motherfucker and fuck) must be referred to and approved by a senior editorial figure or for Independents by the commissioning editor and the relevant output controller for television, radio, online and any other service. Chief Adviser Editorial Policy may also be consulted (Source: BBC Editorial Guidelines)
Presumably proposals to use the words "arsewipe," "shitface," "goolies" or "front bottom" can be approved at a more junior editorial level.

Yep -- it's that soon-to-be bestseller The New BBC Editorial Guidelines, which form "part of our contract with our audiences," according to Stephen Whittle, BBC Controller of Editorial Policy.
The document contains some timely advice to us hacks. For example:
"Any proposal to use the most offensive language (cunt, motherfucker and fuck) must be referred to and approved by a senior editorial figure or for Independents by the commissioning editor and the relevant output controller for television, radio, online and any other service. Chief Adviser Editorial Policy may also be consulted (Source: BBC Editorial Guidelines)
Presumably proposals to use the words "arsewipe," "shitface," "goolies" or "front bottom" can be approved at a more junior editorial level.
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