Tuesday, June 28, 2005

While slogging around the park this evening (and suffering badly from the consequences of a two-week running layoff while I was on holiday) I listened to a recent episode of Adam Curry's Daily Source Code.

The similarities between Adam's childhood love of radio and mine are uncanny -- our experiments making transmitters with Radio Shack electronics kits so we could broadcast our own shows to the neighbourhood, our excitement about the world of the offshore pirate radio stations and our teenage dabblings with hospital broadcasting.

It's as if we shared parallel anorak-wearing adolescences.

Adam's a geek in the nicest sense of the word -- and sometimes he could use a script editor to tame his logorrhea.

Even so, right now he's one of the leading visionaries in the radio (soon be post-radio?) industry -- and as I've said before his innovations will soon shake my profession to its very foundations.

Apt listening on the day Apple launched its new, podcast-friendly version of iTunes.


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