Thanks for all the e-mails and questions I've received already for the Radio BNI Beirut podcast.
If time permits I hope to record it later today, although it remains to be seem whether I'll be able to upload it successfully, so if you have a question you want answered, get it to me by close of business today
If time permits I hope to record it later today, although it remains to be seem whether I'll be able to upload it successfully, so if you have a question you want answered, get it to me by close of business today
Hello there Stuart. I have actually read about you in the last two years although I cannot remember the reference. Your story is both fascinating and inspirational. I have been enjoying your blog now for the better part of three weeks.
I am not even sure how to politely format this email. As I said, for the last two weeks I have enveloped myself in Lebanese blogs and the life of bloggers there. I have been blogging for three years now and believe in the voice of regular people. My heart is with each person involved in this conflict. In the US we only know what we see through media and other outlets. People like me, however, want to hear the voices of life that is still being lived each day in Lebanon. I see that you are posting audio and podcasting through AudioBlogger. I want to invite you to try Evoca ( for your audio and podcasting. As you visit the page you can see that we host the recordings for you (eases your bandwidth), provide you an RSS, and generate HTML code so you can embed the 100 pixel by 100 pixel player right into your blog. You won't have to take people off of your site to hear audio. They can see your words and pictures while also hearing you. If you decide to try Evoca, it will be my pleasure to give you a free PRO account worth 200 recording minutes. Please continue speaking up and speaking out and do consier allowing Evoca to empower your voice both through your site and throughout the world!
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