Still nothing to report.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Previous Posts
- PIMP MY ARMOUREDUsually, the armoured cars we use ...
- This story caused much amusement in the office thi...
- I'm a loyal member of the National Union of Journa...
- Why can't newsreaders just read the news? asks the...
- Nothing to report. Absolutely nothing.
- It looks as though my son is going to miss his fir...
- Does my bump look big in this?
- 72 hours to the due day -- but no sign of my son a...
- We all know that Rageh Omaar, formerly of this par...
- Vote early, vote often for your favourite Welshman...

Perhaps he's waiting for the Wales v Canada game this Friday!
Best Wishes for the Big Event.
My wife ended up being 9-10 days overdue - we saw on TV that eggplant/aubergine parmesan apparently contains chemicals which can help to bring on labor. So we went out for dinner, she ate delicious eggplant parmesan, and within 12 hours we were in the delivery room. Of course she was overdue so who knows, but how bad can it be to eat Italian food?
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