Proof that there is some justice in the world. Coca-Cola gets its come-uppance for ripping off consumers by flogging bottled tap water at 85p a pop.
Half a million bottles of Dasani -- launched earlier this month amid claims that its NASA-tested filtration process made it "as pure as bottled water gets" -- are being recalled because they could contain high levels of the potentially carcinogenic chemical, bromate.
"Coca-Cola has indicated that the bromate was caused by its manufacturing process," sniffed a spokesman for Thames Water, whose H20 was being palmed off as "pure, still water."
A well-deserved PR disaster for Coke.

Proof that there is some justice in the world. Coca-Cola gets its come-uppance for ripping off consumers by flogging bottled tap water at 85p a pop.
Half a million bottles of Dasani -- launched earlier this month amid claims that its NASA-tested filtration process made it "as pure as bottled water gets" -- are being recalled because they could contain high levels of the potentially carcinogenic chemical, bromate.
"Coca-Cola has indicated that the bromate was caused by its manufacturing process," sniffed a spokesman for Thames Water, whose H20 was being palmed off as "pure, still water."
A well-deserved PR disaster for Coke.
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