James Moore lays into the New York Times over its Iraq coverage apology -- and in particular reporter Judith Miller for her unquestioning reliance on Ahmad Chalabi as a source for her stories:
"When the full history of the Iraq war is written, the most scandalous chapter may be about how American journalists, in particular those at the New York Times, allowed themselves to be so easily manipulated by both Ahmad Chalabi, an Iraqi exile with his own virulently pro-war agenda, and the Bush White House...
"...He would not have survived a background check for a job at Slim's Used Cars, and was viewed with deep suspicion by the CIA and the state department; but he was good enough as a source for the New York Times, the Washington Post and other news outlets, all of whom burned their reputations on Chalabi's pyre of lies."
Which begs the question -- why has there not been a Gilligan-esque outcry in the US over the mistakes of Miller and others...and why did the NYT's apology come so soon after the Americans had so publicly dumped Chalabi and not before?
Unanswered Questions:
1. Was Judith Miller the recipient of a letter laced with anthrax or was it fake?
2. Did Judith Miller's letter mention J-Lo...like the letter that killed the tabloid editor in Florida?
3. If Judith Miller's letter mentioned a possible plot to destroy the Sears Tower...how come the New York Times never printed that detail?
4. Since Judith Miller was a victim of either the anthrax mailer or a copycat...why does the New York Times still allow her to report on related topics for which she can't possibly be "fair and balanced" about?
5. Does Judith Miller contribute to articles that don't bear her name?
6. Does Judith Miller agree with her one-time co-writer - Laurie Mylroie - that Saddam was responsible for 9-11?
7. Given Judith Miller's relationship to Laurie Mylroie...why was she allowed to write about the Richard A. Clarke book that re-ignited the controversy about Bushie's linking of Iraq to Al-Qaeda?
8. Why hasn't the Times printed a correction about the pre-9/11 article by Judith Miller that claimed that chemical weapons were not being manufactured at Fort Dietrick (which was later disproven)?
9. Does Judith Miller have any connections to Dr. Iyad Alawi (who has spent mucho greenbacks to promote himself in this country in the last year)?
10. What e-mails did Judith Miller exchange with David Kelly...and for how long did they correspond?
11. What kind of book is Judith Miller working on RIGHT NOW? The weapons of mass destruction compiled by Iran or Syria?
Why Are We Back In Iraq?
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