Spent the morning at the British Museum, covering the launch of the Report of the Commission for Africa.
The 400-page report is meant to represent a new partnership between Africa and the west -- but one in which Africa will chart its own course. Many of the recommendations made are, however, directed at the leaders of the world's wealthiest nations.
There's a call for a doubling of aid to Africa over the next five years and for 100% debt cancellation for countries which need it. There's also a demand for the dismantling of trade barriers that are harmful to Africa and the abolition of subsidies that are unfair to African farmers.
It's envisaged the additional money will be pumped into better health and education programmes, with special priority for the HIV aids crisis in Africa.
But the commission acknowledges there's no hope of sustainable development without good governance and peace and security, areas where Africans must take the lead.
After carefully-worded speeches from Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Band Aid supremo Bob Geldof launched into a wonderful expletive-laden sermon.
"Stop the froth of political crap that goes on all the time," he pleaded.
Relieving African poverty would cost the United States "fuck all."
Geldof's opinion of the forthcoming G8 summit in Gleneagles? "Fuck Gleneagles," he spat.
All broadcast live on the 24 hour news channels.
Geldof had no need to reason to apologise for his earthy language in front of the VIPs.
"You came here for the usual launch and you get me ranting at you," he said.
"Well too bad."
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