For the past five years, summertime has meant just one thing. Big Brother season.
I've been a loyal viewer of Channel 4's televisual valium since Craig, Nasty Nick and the rest entered the house in July 2000.
This year, though, something has changed.
Seeing desperate wannabes like Derek and Kamal playing to the cameras feels like watching a stinking tramp shitting his pants in public.
You feel embarrassed and want to look away.
The BB format is worn out. It should be allowed to die with dignity.

For the past five years, summertime has meant just one thing. Big Brother season.
I've been a loyal viewer of Channel 4's televisual valium since Craig, Nasty Nick and the rest entered the house in July 2000.
This year, though, something has changed.
Seeing desperate wannabes like Derek and Kamal playing to the cameras feels like watching a stinking tramp shitting his pants in public.
You feel embarrassed and want to look away.
The BB format is worn out. It should be allowed to die with dignity.
Dignity? Did it ever have any? I have to admit I hate Big Brother season, the national IQ drops by several points and I just end up wanting to beat people in my office for being so vapid...
What with Celebrity Wrestling on Love Island, one cannot believe how low we have sunk. I'm looking forward to 'Strictly Celebrity Break Dancing' on Aunty in the near future also. ;)
I must admit that the ONLY one of the "reality" shows that I'm hooked on is (despite the title...) "House of Tiny Tearaways". I'm strangely attracted to it. The others are horrendous...and honestly, none of my friends watch either.
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