An innocent died in circumstances that are yet to be explained adequately.
But let's keep some perspective.
According to Amnesty International, in Mr Menezes' home country of Brazil last year:
- There were consistent reports from around the country of corrupt, violent and discriminatory policing.
- Official figures cited more than 1500 killings by police.
- Across the country "death squads" continued to participate in the extrajudicial executions of criminal suspects.
- Torture continued to be widespread and systematic in prisons, police stations and at point of arrest.
None of this justifies, Mr Menezes' killing, of course.
Something clearly went badly wrong at Stockwell Station on July 22nd and his family are right to want the truth to be made public.
But those -- especially those Brazilian government officials -- currently attacking the Metropolitan Police would do well to remember the situation closer to home as well.
I wonder if you'd be so indifferent if he was your son?
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