It's here...excuse me while I stifle a yawn....the summer's most utterly pointless "phenomenon" (translation: hyped up and media-fuelled waste of time) has arrived in Britain:
The Guardian: Pointless but fun? Flashmob phenomenon reaches UK
It was 30-odd degrees in central London yesterday. Anyone with any sense was getting the hell out of town and sinking a few cold ones. But not the flash-mobbers. Oh no. They were following instructions "to speak without using "o", text message a friend, and commend Mr Robinson on the quality of his furniture."
God, you guys are sooooooooo wacky. I bet you just love entertaining people at parties by reciting the words from old Monty Python sketches.
One of the people taking part in yesterday's flash mob was called Tristan. That says it all.
Howard Reingold has a lot to answer for.
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