you passion and enthusiasm for _anything_ musically different will live on in our hearts for a long time to come.
I'll never forget the indignation in your voice when, having finished playing Tom Lehrer's "We'll all go toether when we go" you spluttered about being convinced that you'd be the only person who would know the words in broadcasting house - but the young DJ in the next studio sang along for the whole thing as he was setting up to follow your show... classic!!
My thoughts are with Sheila and the kids right now.
RIP John,
you passion and enthusiasm for _anything_ musically different will live on in our hearts for a long time to come.
I'll never forget the indignation in your voice when, having finished playing Tom Lehrer's "We'll all go toether when we go" you spluttered about being convinced that you'd be the only person who would know the words in broadcasting house - but the young DJ in the next studio sang along for the whole thing as he was setting up to follow your show... classic!!
My thoughts are with Sheila and the kids right now.
Jack Eales
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