One for my Christmas present list in 2009.
Researchers from MIT and Brown University (in journalist parlance we'd call them boffins) have begun a five-year project that aims to lead to the creation of:
"biohybrid limbs that will use regenerated tissue, lengthened bone, titanium prosthetics and implantable sensors that allow an amputee to use nerves and brain signals to move the arm or leg."
They'll be the Toyota Prius of prosthetic limbs.
The project's being funded by the US military because -- as this recent study points out -- in wars, firepower is increasing but lethality is on the slide. That means many more soldiers (and some journalists) who once would have died of their injuries are surviving, but with bits missing.
(Credit due to Defense Tech -- to whom thanks for the mention)
The project is led by Professor Hugh Herr, a modern-day Dr Frankenstein who wants to "accelerate the merging of body and machine."
Read more about Kerr's work here.

One for my Christmas present list in 2009.
Researchers from MIT and Brown University (in journalist parlance we'd call them boffins) have begun a five-year project that aims to lead to the creation of:
"biohybrid limbs that will use regenerated tissue, lengthened bone, titanium prosthetics and implantable sensors that allow an amputee to use nerves and brain signals to move the arm or leg."
They'll be the Toyota Prius of prosthetic limbs.
The project's being funded by the US military because -- as this recent study points out -- in wars, firepower is increasing but lethality is on the slide. That means many more soldiers (and some journalists) who once would have died of their injuries are surviving, but with bits missing.
(Credit due to Defense Tech -- to whom thanks for the mention)
The project is led by Professor Hugh Herr, a modern-day Dr Frankenstein who wants to "accelerate the merging of body and machine."
Read more about Kerr's work here.
"biohybrid limbs that will use regenerated tissue, lengthened bone, titanium prosthetics and implantable sensors that allow an amputee to use nerves and brain signals to move the arm or leg.
They'll be the Toyota Prius of prosthetic limbs."
Mr. Blogger, if the biohybrid limbs work as predicted above, that will be one of the greatest gifts of the 2009 Christmas.
As for the Toyota Prius, that's neat looking car.
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