Tuesday, May 03, 2005


To the Highlands of Scotland tomorrow (thereby stretching the definition of world news) ahead of Thursday's election.

I'm producing the Outside Broadcast at the Ross, Skye and Lochaber count -- the largest constituency in the UK and Charles Kennedy's seat.

Deep fried mars bars and pints of heavy await.

If election night turns out to be as dull as the campaign there's always the election party pack to liven things up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Deep fried mars bars and pints of heavy await.

Now that's what I call healthy diet, been absolutely exhausted the last couple of days reading about cycling and running. Hardly able to get out of my chair!

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I feel that the BBC coverage of the election has been rather over the top and gimmicky!

The election bus and the student house are prime cases to highlight. When Jeremy Vine did the camper van thing it was rather funny, he suited it – so the move into light entertainment. But the election bus is just boring. The student house was just absolutely cringe worthy - a reporter discussing Dutch house music with one the students -what was that about?
By the way James Lansdale(sp?) needs help.

Secondly I do realise that the election is going to be the number one reporting priority but to spend 90% of a news program covering it? Come one, I don't think the rest of the world or even the country has stopped to wait for the out come of this election. Why is the BBC neglecting other news stories?

I will say that there has been some good analysis on programs such as Newsnight, but these highlights have been in the minority. I do understand that the election has been dull as dish water but the BBC coverage has certainly not helped to liven it up.
Sorry to say this but the election bus competition was just the final straw!

2:37 PM  

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