This afternoon, Richard Hirons from Ossur fitted me with the new Proprio, making me only the second person in the UK to be given the foot.
I've only been walking with it for a few hours, so it's still far too early to assess the pros and cons properly.
But the early indications are extremely positive.
It was disconcerting at first to have a computer with a mind of its own attached to my body but I'm quickly getting used to the occasional whirring sound the foot makes as the sensors respond to the changes in terrain. I just need to remember to plug my leg into the mains before I go to bed to charge up the battery!
(There's more about the Proprio here.)
"only the second person in the UK to be given the foot" - all the rest had to buy it!
You could ask Ă–ssur to modify the computer with a mind of its own to check that it's plugged in for the night, and if not, to hop over to an electrical socket to recharge itelf.
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