THE KERRY CONVENTION VIDEO IN FULLTonight's Kerry documentary "A Remarkable Promise", which will be shown prior to his speech to the DNC, will open with narrator Morgan Freeman reaching back to Kerry's birth at Fitzsimmonds Military hospital in December 1943.
�John was a good big brother," his sister Diana will say.
After touching on his early years, the video will reveal that he joined a rock band called the Electras. "You know it was a great way to meet girls. We made a little record," Kerry will say (the record is available
"There's talk of a reunion," he'll quip.
The film will then turn to Kerry military record in Vietnam, with fellow veterans relating their war stories.
"I am alive today through the grace of a higher being," Kerry will say. "Everyday is extra and that reassures you in taking on a risk or standing up for the truth or doing something that is difficult."
The documentary will show an extract from Kerry's appearance in 1971 before the Foreign Relations Committee before moving on to his career as a senator and his family.
"I decided to run for president because I was frustrated," Kerry will say.
"I'm confident I can make America safer and I want it safer for my kids, for the world, for the future."
The film will close with Morgan Freeman saying that "Time and again John Kerry has been there for our nation.
"A soldier who understands the importance of peace, a leader who knows how to listen, a father dedicated to the children of our nation, and a man devoted to our country's remarkable promise."